Useful Spanish Phrases For Visiting Barcelona

Speaking Spanish Barcelona

I love BarcelonaBarcelona is a great place to visit, and being a top tourist destination, there are plenty of languages flying around the city. While most services have English and other language options, knowing a few simple Spanish phrases will make your time in Barcelona even more special. Although the city’s first language is Catalan, practicing a little bit of Spanish while you’re here will allow you to fully immerse yourself into the culture and create a truly authentic vacation.

An easy start

Here are a few simple phrases that everyone visiting Barcelona should know.

Hola – Hello

Adiós – Good-bye

Hasta luego – See you later

Hasta mañana – See you tomorrow

Buenos días – Good morning

Buenas noches – Good evening/night

Por favor – Please

Muchas gracias – Thank you

Conversation starters

Those are all the simple phrases so now we are going to help you with some conversation…

¿Qué tal?/¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

Bien, ¿y tú? – Well, and you?

¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?

Me llamo… – My name is

¿De dónde eres? – Where are you from?

Yo soy de… – I´m from

Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you

¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English?

No entiendo – I don’t understand

Eat up!

Barcelona Seafood

Trying all the delicious food options in Barcelona is a must, so here are some phrases that will help…

Una mesa para dos, por favor – A table for two please

La carta – The menu

Menú del día – Daily set menu

Desayuno – Breakfast

Almuerzo – Lunch

Cena – Dinner

Bebidas – Drinks

Un agua – A water

Una cerveza – A beer

 Pan – Bread

¿Qué hay en este plato? ¿Qué lleva este plato? – What’s in this dish?

Una copa de vino (tinto/blanco/rosado) – A glass of (red/white/rosé) wine

Soy vegetariano – I’m vegetarian

¿Qué nos aconsejas? – What do you recommend?

Soy vegetariano – I’m vegetarian

La cuenta, por favor – The check, please.

semaforo_varios-300x177Getting Around

There phrases are a must for getting around such a busy city…

¿Me puedes ayudar por favor? – Can you help me please?

Perdona/Disculpa – Excuse me…

Estoy perdido – I’m lost

¿Dónde está…? – Where is…?

Entrada – Entrance

Salida – Exit

Sigue todo recto – Go straight ahead

Derecha – Right

Izquierda – Left

Necesito ir a… – I need to go to…

Busco la estación de tren/metro – I’m looking for the train/metro station

Necesito un taxi  I need a taxi

¿Cuánto cuesta un billete para ___? – How much does a ticket to ___ cost?

Abierto – Open

Cerrado – Closed

¿Conoces un buen lugar para…? – Do you know a good to/for…?

¿Dónde puedo cambiar divisas? – Where can I exchange currency?

¿Dónde puedo encontrar un buen restaurante? – Where can I find a good restaurant?

¿Está cerca de aquí? – Is it near here?

¿Está lejos de aquí? – Is it far from here?


Shop ’til you DropLa Roca Village Barcelona

You will be amazed at all the shopping there is in and around Barcelona, so a day shopping is a day well spent here. Check out some of these helpful phrases to make sure you go home with a full bag…


¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much is it?

Sólo estoy mirando. Gracias. – I´m just looking, thank you.

¿Aceptan las tarjetas de crédito? – Do you accept credit cards?

¿Dónde está el probador? – Where is the changing room?

¿Tienes…? – Do you have…?

Me gustaría… – I would like…

Pequeño – Small

Medio – Medium

Grande – Large

Tienen más colores? – Do you have other colors?

¿Puedo cambiarlo? – Can I exchange this?


So there you have it! Don’t forget, you can also try out some Catalan!

Bon dia! – Good morning!

Si us plau – Please

Gràcies/Merci – Thank you

About Marina - Marketing Team

Marina is a writer from Barcelona and is passionate about travel and technology. "Whenever I have the time, you'll find me with a backpack discovering the world. And when don't, I write about my wonderful city to help visitors to enjoy it to the fullest."
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